Interviews about Earth Science

Interviews about geology, palaeontology, archaeology, atmospheric science, climate, climate change and meteorology...

23 March 2021

What happens under the ground in an earthquake?

23 March 2021

Striking research on lightning's role in the start of life on Earth

16 March 2021

Growing cannabis indoors, at scale, in the USA is producing large amounts of greenhouse gas emissions

15 March 2021

Surprising results using radiocarbon dating upset the established timeline of the early ancient Egyptians

15 March 2021

How might ancient Nubians have gotten their hands on antibiotics, and why does it make bones glow?

09 March 2021

What goes into making a big beautiful nature show?

23 February 2021

Mysterious structures, discovered a century ago near Abydos, have turned out to be a huge brewing operation...

23 February 2021

Scientists have connected several massive prehistoric events to a weakening of Earth's magnetic field...

22 February 2021

Archaeological detective work to find a city of ancient Egypt

18 January 2021

Some clothing might be cheap, but the environment is paying the price

12 January 2021

2020 saw some of the most extreme weather events ever recorded. What's going to happen in 2021?

18 December 2020

What are the pros, and cons, of deep sea mining?

15 December 2020

How much carbon is in a crisp? Thanks to new fertiliser technology, it could be a lot less...

15 December 2020

Humanity has crossed a milestone this year: manmade materials now outweigh all life on Earth...

01 December 2020

How did early humans get across the world?

01 December 2020

New excavations have emerged in Pompeii archeological park...

01 December 2020

How do volcanoes and earthquakes occur?

17 November 2020

With widespread climate and environmental changes, we might expect more people on the move...

17 November 2020

Indonesia are moving to a new capital city - but what of Jakarta's 10 million inhabitants?

17 November 2020

More people are on the move nowadays than ever before. A migration expert explains why...

10 November 2020

How do storms emerge?

10 November 2020

How do the oceans move?

10 November 2020

What will the Earth look like in millions of years?

13 October 2020

David Attenborough calls it his "witness statement". We speak to the executive producer...